Amazon Prime Day July 2022, Everything You Need to Know

Amazon Prime Day 2022-What We Know So far

This year, Amazon Prime Day will take place across more than 20 countries on the 12th and 13th of July 2022 in the UK, giving shoppers the chance to grab a deal, and sellers an unmissable opportunity to boost sales. The Prime Day sale is one of the most successful selling days, surpassing Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. 

But it goes far beyond just a quick win and instant sales increase. Prime Day is one of the best ways to engage with customers in the long run – with 69% of shoppers saying they are likely or highly likely to buy other products from the same brand after the sale event ends. 

If you want to grow your sales, raise brand awareness, and find new ways to build retention, make sure you put your best offers forward on Amazon Prime Day 2022. Here’s everything you need to know, including how to maximise your exposure through ads and offers.  

What is Prime Day all about?

Prime Day is a two-day Amazon shopping event that takes place on the marketplace once a year. It is open to paid Amazon Prime members, both new and existing. 

For shoppers, this exclusive sale is a great way to find amazing shopping deals that are otherwise not available at other times of the year. The sale event also covers a lot of favourite products, including electronics, health and beauty products, home improvement and household products, and much more. 

When is Amazon Prime Day 2022? 

This annual event usually takes place in June or July. This year, the event is taking place on the 12th and 13th of July. The full sale event will last a total of 48 hours. 

The benefits for third-party sellers

Want to take part in Amazon’s biggest day of trading for third-party sellers? All you need is an Amazon seller account to get started, and there are so many reasons to get involved. 

Here are some of the advantages you’ll be able to enjoy: 

  • Increased brand awareness

According to Amazon’s own stats, as many as 82% of shoppers are likely or highly likely to discover new brands in the run-up to the event. There has never been a better day to get your brand name out there and attract more buyers into your funnel. 

  • More exposure for your products 

Got a great product to share? Struggling to get visibility? This 48-hour sale allows Amazon third-party sellers to promote their product lines. A significant 14% of shoppers don’t actually know what they want to buy during Prime Day and are open to being inspired, while a huge 63% of shoppers say they know what type/category of product they want, but need more inspiration to help them choose. 

This poses an incredible opportunity to influence buying decisions and to engage with customers who want to be marketed to. 

  • Repeat business and loyalty 

Getting sales isn’t rocket science, but retention is a whole other ball game. With so much choice and selection, savvy shoppers aren’t very brand-loyal these days. But Prime Day offers sellers the chance to attract repeat business. Not only do stats tell us that a large percentage of customers return to the same brand after the sale event ends, but almost a third (31%) of shoppers are also likely to purchase the very same product after Prime Day even if there’s not a deal.

How to prepare for the event 

With Amazon’s big Prime Day event, there is a phased approach and this means there’s an element of planning that sellers should be aware of. 

Amazon Prime lead-up

In the lead-up period to the sale event, customers will start to engage with businesses and shop around for things they like. This is the time when they learn about what deals are available and bookmark the products they may be interested in buying (such as adding it to their Amazon Wishlist). 

Three-quarters of Amazon shoppers are likely/highly likely to purchase a product during Prime Day after discovering it during the lead-up to the event. 

The 48-hour sale event 

Amazon Prime Day itself usually lasts two whole days. During this period, you will need to make sure you are making the most of the offer/coupon/advertising features accessible from your Amazon seller account.

Amazon Prime lead-out 

After the sale event comes to an end, there’s also a week when engagement with customers continues. This is a fantastic opportunity for brands to stay in touch with both their existing and new customer base – and this includes those who have been made aware of your brand through the Prime Day sales. 

With over 30% of shoppers saying they would consider buying a product after Prime Day – even if there isn’t a discount available to them – it makes sense to revisit these potential shoppers. Our advice is to use Display Remarketing to try and retarget those customers who may have seen your product but did not commit to buying. 

How to sell on Amazon Prime Day and maximise sales

Here are some tips on knowing how to sell on Amazon Prime Day like a pro, and how to gain maximum visibility and engagement. 

1) Leverage best-selling categories 

It’s important to plan for high demand and fast turnaround, especially for new and popular items. There are also certain categories that perform particularly well, which gives you an indication of what will sell at volume. These are: 

  • Tools
  • Beauty products 
  • Nutrition/health products 
  • Electronics
  • Back to school items
  • Babycare products 
  • Household products

2) Create a store for Prime Day sales

One of the easiest ways to promote your products for this event is to create a specific Amazon Prime Day store and use ads to reach your target audience. The great news for sellers is that the stats are on your side, as generally speaking adverts on Prime Day have a 140% increase in sales – making it the perfect time to optimise your PPC campaigns. 

You can make your campaigns go further by increasing bids somewhere between 25% and 50% and then double or triple your budget to make sure you get maximum visibility over the course of the two days. 

To make your life easier, we also recommend using budget rules. This feature allows you to set campaign budgets in advance using schedule-based rules. This automated tool prevents campaigns from going out of budget, meaning you won’t miss out on any seller opportunities. 

3) Lightening deals 

With Amazon Lightening Deals, you can build time-sensitive offers that create a sense of urgency. There are a limited number of deals available to customers, and when promotional discounts are held in other customer baskets or have been used already, customers will see a ‘Join waitlist’ button. 

There’s also a timer to let shoppers know how long they have to take advantage of an offer, which can help to push them through the funnel and reduce basket abandonment. 

4) Amazon Coupons

Amazon Coupons show up as a button under the product listing and are redeemable simply by clicking on the ‘Clip coupon’ button. Just log in to your Amazon seller account to create a coupon, which will be charged $0.60 for every redemption made by customers. The budget you set for your coupon will need to cover the redemption fees as well as the USD equivalent of the discount you are offering to shoppers.

To set efficient budgets, make sure you cover the cost of the customer demand that your coupon generates, and for the duration of time you have it set for. 

5) Prime-exclusive discounts

Another way to take advantage of the Amazon Prime Day sale in 2022, make sure you access Prime Exclusive Discounts. This is a way to advertise products that are eligible for Prime shipping. This ad option is only available for products that are in new condition, and products that have a minimum of three stars (or newly launched products with no rating yet).

Need a full-service Amazon partner? 

Don’t have the time or resources to take advantage of Prime Day? Or not sure where to start? At Seller Presto, we’re the Amazon selling experts and we’re here to help you maximise your ROI on this global marketplace. 

To find out more about our services and how we can help you increase sales for Prime Day 2022 or any other day, get in touch today

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